God Nation

A God Nation was the nest of a God, where they accepted the souls of believers and concealed their true bodies.

Other than a few Gods like Death God Hess, nearly all of the Gods constructed their God Nation in the God World, as it had the most suitable environment and the Gods could unleash their full potential.

In the Main World, a God Nations' rules would be suppressed, and even the petitioners' souls would gradually wither away. Unless they were a foolish God, they would definitely not do something like this.

However, currently, and contrary to convention, Sun God Ramon had brought his God Nation into the Main World, even merging it with a part of the Demon Territory. From this, he obtained the convenience of a partial home grounds, which was sufficient to hide from Fang Yuan's investigation.

Unfortunately, this was still exposed by an accident.

"This is… Ramon's God Nation?"

Fang Yuan walked the land.