
"Name: Fang Yuan

Essence: ???

Qi: ???

Spirit: ???

Profession: Dream Master

Cultivation: ??? (Untitled)

Technique: Pangu Eagle Body [Strengthen Witch bloodline (1st Tier)], Creation Sword Array [Ninth Sword (100%)]

Specialization: Botany [Level 6] (Maximum), Fiery Golden Eyes [Level 3], ???"

Fang Yuan looked at his stats window and pondered in silence. After a long while, he released a deep breath. "Since the attribute definitions are all derived from my own understanding and knowledge, there are currently many aspects that can't be displayed?"

His realm had already exceeded written records and could perhaps only be found in a higher dimension. Thus, it was difficult to understand and he could only rely on himself constantly exploring.

He looked again at Specialization and saw that the originals like medicine and body seal had all disappeared. What replaced them were mysterious symbols.