Pugilistic World

Boyang Commandery, Golden Breeze Drizzle Building.

This was a famous intelligence agency in the Pugilistic World, known for its up-to-date and reliable information. It had branches in every commandery, but nobody knew where the headquarters was located.

It was said that the building was guarded by one of the top ten experts in the Pugilistic World and that the agency was supported by a few established sects and holy grounds. Otherwise, it would not have developed to today's scale.

Golden Breeze Drizzle Buildings had different sizes. The most common ones had three floors, the commandery branches had seven floors, and the headquarters was said to be the only one with nine floors.

Fang Yuan entered the commandery's seven-floor Golden Breeze Drizzle Building.

It was noon, and the building was bustling with activity. Many rich customers were squandering their money.