Invitation to Battle

"Speaking of the Pugilistic World… Since there are new rankings in the Armament Manual, we must talk about the important events concerning each armament owner!"

The short old man looked at the piles of copper and silver coins in front, and his face lit up, smiling from ear to ear. "Recently, there was an important event that coincidentally happened near Emerald Rock Commandery. Has everyone heard of the Five Elements Cloud Qi Sword before? Rumors say that this sword's blade has colorful cloud-like patterns and its brilliance is dazzling. Whenever the sword appears, there would definitely be an unusual phenomenon. The previous generation's Sword Grandmaster became publicly known as first in the Sword Dao by depending on this sword!"

"Of course we've heard of it before! The sixth Divine Armament!"

All the other martial artists rolled their eyes. "Don't keep us on tenterhooks. Say it quickly!"