Fairy Sect

Fang Yuan stood with his hands behind his back and casually said, "Miss Xiaodie, you really seem to desire a fight with me."

"I must avenge the Jiang family!"

The Li Perishing Sword suddenly emitted brilliant blue light, as if it had sensed its owner's determination.

"Which Jiang family?" Fang Yuan said in a teasing tone, knowing that only Xiaodie could understand his words. "Honestly… I'm very happy. Your presence is a pleasant surprise, as you have brought the Li Perishing Sword to me!"

Unarmed, he took two steps forward.

Jiang Xiaodie's expression was solemn. Her acupoints opened and closed all over her body, preparing to trigger a heavenly phenomenon!

As the Li Perishing Sword owner, she had progressed quickly into the Heavenly Phenomenon realm!

"Very good!" But Fang Yuan did not look impressed at all. "Congratulations, Miss Jiang. You will appear on the Heaven Roll of the Armament Repository next month!"

This man!