
"Pirate System!"

After testing it in front of a few pirates guarding the ship, Orlando was sure of two things.

First, only he could see this light screen that had suddenly appeared.

Moreover, with practice, he could open or close it with ease.

"But… how did it appear? Why did it come to me?"

Orlando stared at the black pendant in his hand.

The Pirate System must have appeared under its influence.

He opened his light screen and looked at it carefully. "Looks like it can express my state explicitly… Sorcerer? Am I gifted to become a sorcerer? But why does it feel so strange?"

He was apparently confused by the descriptions in the brackets, not knowing that these were only Fang Yuan's jokes.

"And… what does experience and level mean?"

Without the knowledge of a traverser, Orlando was baffled, even frightened by this light screen, suspecting that he might have been cursed.