The Rise of an Eminent Writer

Malan Port.

Fang Yuan was like a specter as he watched a horse carriage 'passing through' his body.

Closeby, a few fishmonger stalls were emitting a strong fishy smell. All kinds of sounds and congregating pedestrians were creating a bustling morning market scene.

Although he could only take form as a specter while walking around the world, he was already very satisfied.

At least when compared to being an absolute observer, it was a huge improvement.

"Mmm. In summary, this place is quite similar to Europe's Age of Discovery from my previous life, but it also possesses fundamental differences!"

Fang Yuan strolled around and arrived at the heavily guarded royal dock.

There were multiple sinister-looking giant warships that were just like quietly crouching giant beasts, giving off a dangerous and terrifying feeling.