
"Enemy ships spotted behind us! There are five!"

Helga's shout echoed on the deck.

"They've hoisted the Jolly Rogers. It's confirmed th-that they're the Blackbeard Pirates!"

After seeing the black mustaches on the Jolly Rogers, Helga's voice started to tremble.

After all, this was a pirate governor's fleet! Moreover, Blackbeard was known for his powerful black magic and cruel means.

It was said that any pirates who offended him would either be skinned alive or turned into a corroded corpse, having both their souls and their bodies enslaved by Blackbeard forever.

"Command all the ships to accelerate and sail into the Hell of Lightning. We'll fight the enemies there!"

Fang Yuan went to the helmsman and kicked him aside. Holding the helm with one hand, he gave it a sudden turn.

Fiery Lotus immediately swerved, plunging into the ocean of lightning and storm.