
"Pirate King? I oppose!" Balmain slammed the table furiously. "I won't allow you to have control over Pirate King City and King's Throne!"

Pirate King City and the nearby sea region was the most prosperous place in the world, but no pirate governor ruled it.

Instead, a group of retired pirates called the Pirate Alliance governed it. According to the ancient contract, only a true Pirate King could fully control King's Throne.

Otherwise, this legendary pirate ship would only protect Pirate King City and destroy all intruders.

"Why not?" Edward smiled. "We've already witnessed Ettoman's Invincible Steel Fleet. To defeat it, we have to combine the powers of at least three legendary ships, as well as other extraordinary warships!"

"Extraordinary warships are relatively easy to get. Any famous pirate would be able to get one. Do you want to create an extraordinary warship army to beat Ettoman's Invincible Steel Fleet?" Aeoris laughed.