To Serve

"I-I don't know…" Parsi forced out a few words with extreme difficulty. "It-It forced me…"

"Where's Ruxis? Tell me now!"

Donald tossed Parsi onto the ground and pressed his cane against his throat.

"I don't know… I really don't know… I-it's always been the one… stalker from the deep sea… it's been forcing me…" Parsi said between intermittent sobs.

All of a sudden, he coughed a few times before spitting out muddy seawater.

"Ah… Ah… It-It's coming!"

A large amount of seawater flooded into the room as an ocean fish emerged from Parsi's mouth. Soon after, a cuttlefish emerged and then a large quantity of seaweed.

"Ahem! Ahem!"

Parsi held on to his throat tightly, and there were traces of blood in his eyes.

Suddenly, his head exploded like a watermelon. A monster with scales all over its body crawled out from Parsi's half-missing body. This monster looked like merfolk but was ten times more ferocious looking.