
The sun shone brightly while a refreshing breeze blew.

In the forest, a mole scampered across the ground. All of a sudden, the bush nearby rustled ominously.

Sha! Sha!

A series of wild screaming ensued as a black shadow spanning several meters long shot out from the bushes. The scales on its body spread from head to tail, and its eyes reflected a predator's icy heartlessness.

Its purple split-tongue that curled slightly swallowed the mole.

Hiss hiss…

After swallowing its wriggling prey, the large python lay lazily on the ground, not moving for a long time.

Whoosh whoosh!

At this moment, the scent of blood drifted by.

The forest's trees collapsed, and a ferocious beast's dark shadow emerged, carrying the aura of a top-tier predator.


The large python sensed the incoming danger and curled its body up vigilantly.

The next moment, a sharp claw pounced forth.