

A rush of water splashed onto his face, immediately dousing Snow awake.

He continued struggling while crying out loudly. However, he was gagged and could not say a word.

The professor and the students were tied to the thick trunk of a tree.

I've been kidnapped by a lizard?

After this thought surfaced in Snow's head, he was so ashamed that he wanted to hide in a hole.

Suddenly, he spotted the giant lizard in front of him.

It seemed to be staring curiously at him, and its gaze carried a mocking look.

No! This can't be right! This Derivative's intelligence is completely beyond my expectations! It might even be a first-class Derivative… Damn it, this was supposed to be just an ordinary assignment…

"All right, Mr. Snow. Let me release your bindings. I hope you don't misunderstand!" A man's voice came from the lizard's mouth.