
"The psionic crystal is also known as the 'anti-matter crystal' or 'God's crystal'. It was first discovered in the Tarenma Galaxy on Planet A-23. It contains powerful and stable energy…

"In the Year 19087, the Father of Gundam, the creator of mecha, Undead Immortal Construct—Xuan Jinzi—and the West's Grand Arcanist Ovo joined hands to create the first psionic reactor to extract energy from the psionic crystal. In the same year, they created the first Gundam mecha!

"As of now, the psionic crystal has turned into a mandatory energy center for mechas. Its price continues to increase as time passes. However, the most disappointing part is that the Human Alliance has been unable to find any other way to form it. All of the psionic crystals have to be extracted from mines!

"Research has also shown that psionic crystals can help cosmic behemoths grow and develop. There are rumors that psionic crystals can stimulate the birth of Zerg Empresses as well…