Suffering Defeat

A barren planet, inside a crater.

Surrounded by many Blood Dragons, Fang Yuan strolled on the Blood Dragon Thearch and inscribed Dao Patterns.

"The so-called Dao Patterns and Aural Dao might be evolutions of immortal techniques and arcane spells, but to put it simply, they are also an agglomeration of nomological power, similar to the power of a Great Dao…"

In this regard, although the science and technology of this world could not study it, he had great advantages as a Demon God.

Fang Yuan was currently preparing to inscribe as many patterns of his Great Daos as possible on the Blood Dragon Thearch.

"The Undead Immortals of the East inscribe immortal technique Dao Patterns on their mechas. The Arcanists of the West use legendary arcane spell arrays… My Blood Dragon Thearch will use both!"