
"I will naturally advance with everyone!"

After seeing the gazes of Sacred Lord Purple Crow and Sacred Lord Fresh Flowers, Fang Yuan shuddered in his heart.

He knew that he did not manage to deceive the eyes of these two Netherheavens.

Moreover, he would attract too much attention if his opinion was from the others.

"Great! We shouldn't delay further. Let's start now!"

Sacred Lord Fresh Flowers was a decisive person and would not suffer a loss easily. She was going to take revenge immediately.

Even Fang Yuan could not help praising her in his heart. Her timing was rather good.

First of all, Sun Shengru escaped with serious injuries, and it would be impossible for that world to have a second guardian in such a short period of time.

Moreover, the vitality of the World of Confucian was greatly damaged now. It was absolutely the best time to go!