
"Ah… What have you done to my student?"

Wang Qiankun and the others were so enraged their eyes seemed to pop out.

The feeling from this black-hearted demon was very different from the previous Demon Spirits they had encountered.

It seemed like it could even use the power of the Righteous Qi of Heaven and Earth, which was terrifying!

"Nothing much. It was only a test. It's a pity that he didn't pass!" Fang Yuan said regretfully.

Just now, he had used Dream Master techniques to make Huo Qingtian experience thousands of reincarnations and taste the pain of life and death, love, hatred, hunger, and so on. It could also be considered an alternative refinement of the heart.

He could have become a Bodhi, and nothing would have been able to deter him. In the future, he would have definitely become a great Confucian in the future, perhaps even a Confucian Saint.