Demon Territory

The scorching sun emanated golden waves.

Even ordinary Demon Spirits would be burnt alive under the searing temperatures.

However, the three-hump demon camel had adapted to this. Its humps were constantly exuding water vapor, forming a kind of cooling protection.

"Qi of Yin and Yang, Qi of Righteousness and Demonism?"

Fang Yuan looked at the black and white Qis in his hands.

Sun Shengru was worthy of having a world's providence. He was extremely talented and equally tenacious. Even after a defeat, he could quickly recover and immediately prepare his counterattack.

The special environment of the Mental Demon Realm seemed to have given him quite a lot of inspiration, making him progress further and break through.

"The extremity of Righteousness is Demonism, and the extremity of Demonism is Righteousness… They give rise to each other, and the two combined is the ultimate truth. This realm can already be called the Yin-Yang Great Dao!"