Slaying the Fey

"Haha. This is just one of the weaker magical powers of my Ten Thousand Beast Banner…" Great Fey Pengze pointed at the Phoenix. "Go!"

Chirp! Chirp!

The Phoenix gave an ear-piercing cry. With its body surrounded by the black Eternal Flame, it flew toward the formation.

"Withstand it!"

The grand elder bit this tongue and spat out blood essence.

A Primordial Core appeared in each of the materializations within the beams of light, and their might soared.

The six Primordial Core elders were clearly going all out now!

Buzz buzz!

A layer of blood suddenly appeared within the Beichen Six Primordial Battle Formation, and the black Eternal Flame slammed into it, making a terrible eroding sound.

The six elders turned pale. They poured the origin power from within their primordial core into the formation, clearly trying to maintain it even if it caused losses to their cultivation.