
This female warrior was the Flybarb tribe's Brutal Moon!

The way she looked at Fang Yuan was indescribable.

With her talent, she had worked extremely hard to get to where she was. Back when they were still training at the tribe, she even surpassed Fang Yuan.

But unexpectedly, after the Beichen Ceremony, he was selected to enter the Barbarian Palace. And despite being only at the Materialization realm, he could fight a Primordial Core cultivator, while she had to rely on him to rescue her.

"Junior Brother Fang Yuan!" Yan Luo walked over with an equally shocked expression. "You're actually capable of fighting against Golden Core cultivators? Even though the outside Golden Core is slightly inferior to our Primordial Core, you're only at Materialization…"

"Haha… It's only because my comprehension of the nomological laws is slightly better… Moreover, Brutal Thunder and the rest contributed too!" Fang Yuan laughed it off.