Qingfeng City

The Wasteland World was endless, and the Hundred Thousand Mountains was merely a small part of it.

Three big countries, Gu, Mang, and Bi, surrounded it. They all spanned thousands of kilometers and were vast.

Gu and Mang were both of the Orthodox Dao, and Immortals had to agree before an emperor could sit there firmly.

Bi, on the other hand, was a land purely run by a demon sect, the Revenant Soul Sect. It knew the principle of not killing the goose that laid the golden eggs, so it did not engage in wanton slaughter. However, its style was still extremely cruel, and many commoners fled.

Dingbing Mountain, Qingfeng City

This mountain straddled the borders of the three countries. Five thousand years ago, an Immortal by the name of 'Immortal Lingfeng' built it, attracting a large number of cultivators and forming the 'Qingfeng Alliance'.