Iron Mountain Gate

"Iron Mountain Gate?"

Inside the Pantheon Palace, Fang Yuan looked at the black iron token in his hand.

This token had a simple shape with a special aura on it, and 'Iron Mountain' was inscribed on its front face.

He had obtained it from that master-servant pair, and it should be some form of credential.

Since that boy wanted to use him, he had to pay a price.

Adhering to the principle of giving and receiving, he had left something for him as well—the positioning bloodline curse from that Immortal.

The cursed boy obviously could not go against an Immortal, so the Heavenly Circuit Immortal Sect would probably capture him in no time.

"But what does this have to do with me?" Fang Yuan smiled indifferently and looked at the nearby Gold Ingot. "So, do you recognize this Iron Mountain Token?"

"I've seen something similar!" Gold Ingot paused. "It should be a credential for the sect. They only recognize the token but not the person…"