Yanyang City

Golden Soul Sect main sect.

"Junior Brother Tie, Junior Sister Huang… and this must be Junior Brother Li Hun?"

Qiu Tianfeng stood among several core disciples with a pleasant smile.

He appeared to be in his thirties, and his skin had a hint of gold to it. He had two pupils in each eye and a chiseled face. As though he was innately noble, he became the center of attention just standing there.

He stepped forward to greet them, and Tie Xinku and Huang Yue immediately felt slightly overwhelmed by his favor. "Eldest Senior Brother!"

"Greetings, Eldest Senior Brother!"

Fang Yuan tried not to stand out and greeted him like the rest. However, he was secretly contemplating. I sense an extraordinary agglomeration of the power of heaven and earth. Is this another Son of Destiny? Or a semi-developed one?

If there was a version of providence in this world, then Qiu Tianfeng was definitely someone captivating with a towering auspicious aura.