
Dust and rubble flew everywhere.

A small pit appeared in the ground with a purple sword in the middle of it.

"It really is you. I knew things couldn't be so coincidental…"

Fang Yuan took a deep breath, brushed the dust off his body, and immediately saw the smiling face of Xu Junzi. "Looks like… both of you are in cahoots, and it isn't the first time you're committing robbery and murder, right? Aren't you afraid of Dao Ancestor City's sanctions?"

"Dao Ancestor City?" Xu Junzi smiled disdainfully. "Let this humble person teach Fellow Daoist something. As long as it doesn't occur within the walls of Dao Ancestor City, the higher-ups won't care about any fights…"

"Today, either you die or I die!" Shan Jun shouted and aimed his arrow at Fang Yuan.

"Your actions are simply too… crazy…"

Given the intelligence of Dao Ancestors, this trap should not have been so shallow, but Fang Yuan suddenly thought of something.