
"What? Did you meet the masked man? Did you fight?" Inspector Ho stood up in anxiety as he received the report over the telephone.

"Very well, since he is gone, let's not chase him. For now, avoid any conflict with him." He instructed.

As soon as he hung up the phone, Inspector Ho sighed and attempted to extract information regarding the masked man from his memory.

In fact, on the very night, the killer cat died, the police had launched a full-fletched investigation on the masked man.

Judging from the information they have, the prediction of the masked man's powers sent chills down his spine.

Time shifting, mind control, ignition, ghostly powers, hypnosis or casting of illusions were only a fraction of his power. Combined with the fact that the masked man managed to take down the killer cat and ended its killing spree, he instilled fear in all personnel involved in the investigation.