
Zhao Yao asked Blackie as she continued to gobble down the cat food, "What's your name?"

Blackie just finished her food and licked her mouth and nose with content. She glanced at Zhao Yao, and a soothing feminine voice surfaced in Zhao Yao's mind. "I don't have one."

Zhao Yao thought about it for a moment and realized that it was a stupid question to ask; Stray cats obviously do not have their own names. He suggested, "Since you are so tiny and black in color, I'll call you Dust Ball from now on."

Zhao Yao turned around and walked towards the front door as he spoke, "Come on in Dust Ball, Calming Heart Garden can only take effect in the house. Oh, Calming Heart Garden can help you massage your internal organs and strengthen your bones."

As they walked towards the front door, Zhao Yao grabbed Roly Poly by his legs and dragged him out of the hole.

'Pop!' and Roly Poly was freed from the hole.