An Overwhelming Force

"Ding, dong,"

The doorbell rang, and Roly Poly rushed straight to it to answer the door. He announced, "I'm opening the door. I think Zhao Yao left something at home."

The other cats did not suspect anything, and Roly Poly came excitedly to the door. He then realized he was not tall enough to reach the doorknob. Regardless of how high he jumped, he was still inches away from the doorknob. This was an unexpected situation.

"What am I supposed to do?"

At the same time, the doorbell continued to ring as Roly Poly circled in fear. Mango asked Roly Poly out of concern, "Are you okay?"

Roly Poly immediately replied, "Yeah, I'm fine, nothing's wrong. I will settle it in a minute." His original plan was to open the door and escaped along Meow Gibson. The ideal situation would be a peaceful escape.

Outside the apartment, Meow Gibson was floating in the air as it frantically pressed the doorbell.