Shower (2)

The doors and windows were shut which meant that the cats did not escape from the apartment.

"I guess the four of you can just hide here for the rest of the day?" Zhao Yao said with a sarcastic tone, "But if I managed to find you, your punishment would be much worse than a simple bath."

Roly Poly, which was hiding underneath the sofa, trembled in fear when he heard Zhao Yao's voice.

Roly Poly shouted at the other cats via telepathy, "What are we going to do now? Zhao Yao is going to kill us if he finds us."

"What are you afraid of?" Matcha replied, "There is only one of him against the four of us."

"But he's not any human; he's Zhao Yao!" Roly Poly protested violently, "Look at yourself, your legs are shaking so badly that you cannot even stand still, and yet you talk like you're so high and mighty!"