Taking Photos

Coco Sun tightened her grip on her tiny backpack.

"I think it's worth a try. It might just turn out to be super awesome," she said confidently.

She pointed at the board on the storefront. "Check this out. They use the latest biotechnology from MIT to improve the customers' well-being. How cool is that?"

Leigh Zhao, the girl with long, silky hair, scoffed.

"Seriously, Coco, you're falling for that? It's utter bull."

Her words fell on deaf ears. Coco was not to be deterred. She was extremely curious about this café and its lofty claims, so she dragged Leigh inside despite her loud protests.

Leigh's frown deepened at the sight of the play area, which was devoid of customers if not for Xiao Qing. None of the cats were particularly interesting. They were mostly the kind of tabby cats that roamed the streets.

"Oh em gee, Leigh! Look at that cat!" Coco exclaimed, holding onto the girl's arm, "She's beautiful. She's purrfect. Don't deny it."