Earning Commission

"My extradimensional belly. Come on, the Panamera weighs less than 2 tonnes, it won't exceed the limit of your power." Zhao Yao sounded slightly annoyed as he replied.

"No! I won't eat it! Not even if you beat me to death!" Dust Ball yelled.

Zhao Yao looked straight into Dust Ball's eyes and said, "You really won't eat it?"

Dust Ball snapped, "Of course not! I'm not a rubbish bin that eats anything!"

"So you're not eating it?" Zhao Yao sighed. "I'll eat it then."

Instantly, Zhao Yao swapped his power to Dust Ball's power. He opened his mouth and activated the extradimensional belly power.




Power activated successfully!

Dust Ball stared in shock as she saw the Panamera transform into distorted streaks of light and converge into a single point in a vortex-like manner before disappearing into Zhao Yao's mouth. The moment it disappeared, Zhao Yao coughed several times; his mouth stank of gasoline.