Cry for help

Zhao Yao stroked his chin as he responded, "So why did you come all the way here to meet me?"

Xiao Ming rubbed his palms together as he smiled sheepishly in embarrassment.

For a moment, there was an awkward silence between the two of them.

Zhao Yao looked like he couldn't care less about what Xiao Ming wanted to say to him and continued to surf the net on his laptop, ignoring Xiao Ming, who was struggling to find a way to tell him the truth. Xiao Ming looked lost and confused as he tried to organize his thoughts before telling Zhao Yao everything he wanted to say.

At the corner of Zhao Yao's eye, Mango back-faced him and dragged a piece of cushion across the floor towards a corner of the room. It looked like he was trying to bury something secretly. Zhao Yao frowned as he recalled that the cushion belonged to the seat of the chair; there's no reason why he would be placed in a corner of the wall.