You Jump, I Jump

Every time Zhao Yao activated his power of extradimensional belly; there was a fifty percent chance of failing due to Dust Ball's loyalty points. Because of this, he had to spend two times the amount of time he usually spent on training his control over ability.

However, his mastery over this ability had improved remarkably after spending two hours on it.

He had developed a general sensing towards the situation within the dimension inside his belly. He could roughly gauge the position of the object he had absorbed into his extradimensional belly.

It was not perceived by a sense of sight but rather a sense of touch. He felt as if objects were rolling around in his stomach.

"Hmm, this is a good sign. I'll be able to master this ability if I keep up with my training."

Even though he had not mastered the ability then, Zhao Yao was hopeful that there would be a day where he could expel whatever object he specified from his belly.