
Elizabeth only went to bed at 5 am with her bloodshot eyes.

Spirit cat was wiping the mucus off of its face, and it continued crying. "Why did the devil have to choose Aya out of everyone else?"

It reverted to its original form as it fiddled with Elizabeth's phone. They were only halfway through the entire series. Suddenly, it felt its whole body turned limp.

"Oh no, I've not eaten for the entire day."

Spirit cat could not stay in its spirit form for an infinite amount of time. In spirit form, spirit cat could not ingest or excrete. Hence, it had to revert to its normal body after each transformation to satisfy its biological needs.

Spirit cat turned to its spirit form before going round the entire apartment to ensure that the coast was clear. It first went to Zhao Yao's room and saw that he was sleeping soundly with Matcha snoring at his feet.

Next, he went to Bai Quan's room and saw him sleeping peacefully.