
Suddenly, the doorbell rang, and Bai Quan raised his head to see who had entered the café at this hour.

Bai Quan was shocked to see a large group of girls swarming into the café, "They cosplayed as King Arthur, Asuna, Madoka Magica, Mio Akiyama and even Rangiku Matsumoto." Bai Quan stared at the girl who cosplayed as Rangiku and mumbled, "She looks exactly like Rangiku from Bleach."

Bai Quan's face flushed with excitement because it was the first time he had come so near to a group of beautiful girls.

Coco asked, "You seem interested in cosplay. Do you want to join us?"

"It's okay!" Bai Quan immediately lowered his head to hide his flushed face from them, "You can sit wherever you want, and I'll fetch you the menu."

Coco proceeded to her usual spot in the café, and the girls followed behind. The girls' expression changed immediately since they entered the café.