Casual Talk

As Bai Quan was busy settling the work assigned to him by Zhao Yao, Zhao Yao completed the remaining of his daily mission and gathered the supercats for a talk.

Bai Quan wasn't surprised by the act of Zhao Yao gathering the cats for a talk; he already figured out that the cats had some sort of power after staying with them all this while. He knew that Zhao Yao could communicate with the cats somehow.

Matcha, Elizabeth, Roly Poly and Dust Ball laid belly-flat on the floor in front of Zhao Yao as he announced, "In a few days time, which is also this Saturday, our cat café will be hosting a Star Cats' Night. On that night, I'll give all of you, less Elizabeth, a skin which resembles the looks of precious breeds of cats. We will also extend our closing time to 8 pm in the night. This would be a huge stepping stone for our cat café. If we succeed, I'm sure our reputation would improve tremendously…"

As Zhao Yao spoke halfway, Matcha raised his white paw.