Shaven Head

Elizabeth's tragic cry reverberated in Zhao Yao's head.


"Who did this?!" Elizabeth growled. "Who shaved off my hair?"

Zhao Yao stood behind Elizabeth and bent down to stroke her head. He could clearly see the shaven patch of fur, leaving behind a layer of very fine fur.

Right at this moment, Roly Poly yawned as he climbed out of his bed. Surprisingly, there was also a shaven bald patch on his head, exposing a layer of black scalp.

"What happened?" Roly Poly glanced over at Elizabeth and touched his own head. "Why does it feel so windy today?"

Dust Ball did a lazy cat stretch as she got out of bed as well. Zhao Yao was stunned to see that Dust Ball's head was shaven as well.

For a moment, the three cats with their shaven heads looked exactly like three middle-aged people suffering from hair loss problems.