The Quest for Earthquake Cat

Zhao Yao's combat prowess and vitality had reached another peak after he upgraded his cats and fully equipped his extradimensional belly.

"The mission to stop the cat thief's organization will expire in a month's time."

"I guess I'll settle Ho Hao Cang first."

With his mastery over The 5 Senses, he did not have to worry about exposing his identity.

One night, Zhao Yao decided to bring Matcha and Elizabeth along when he returned to Ho Hao Cang's mansion.

However, he found out that he was not home when he got there. After waiting for an entire night, and receiving more than 30 mosquito bites, Hao Cang was still not back.

"D*mn it, all these fuerdais only know how to have a good time outside and doesn't even know how to return home at night!" Zhao Yao grew inpatient as he frantically scratched his body which was covered in mosquito bites. The thought of just destroying his mansion flashed across his head.