The Battle with the Undying

For a moment, the chubby boys wanted to dash forward and help Lin Chen. However, one of the masked men appeared from the ground and grabbed onto his ankles. The masked man dragged the chubby boy into the ground.

The girl in ponytail also wanted to help Lin Chen, but she had her hands full with metalman. The anesthetic shot used against the supercat was futile against metalman. She threw it away, took out another pistol and fired a barrage of bullets at metalman.

All the bullets managed to do was to create sparks against his body accompanied by clanking sounds. Metalman took a few steps back but then started dashing towards the girl unscathed.

Even though the two of them were occupied with their fights, the remaining five apostles had their pistols in hand and had a clear shot at the last remaining apostle.

With five apostles locked on from 5 different directions, the masked man would not be able to escape even if he wanted to.