Vibrations and a Bout of Insomnia

"You've changed," Elizabeth said, shooting Zhao Yao an icy stare.

"Changed how?"

"You don't give a s**t about us now that there's a new cat," Dust Ball remarked, shaking her little head, "You men are all the same. It's always out with the old, in with the new."

"I don't like this Scottish fold. We should sterilize her. Her power is too dangerous," Elizabeth added coolly.

Roly Poly chimed in as well. "The cat-to-floor-area ratio here is a getting quite unfavorable."

"I agree," Dust Ball continued, "Her presence is tearing us apart, Zhao Yao! You're too biased towards her. If she and I both fell into the sea, who will you save first?"

The three supercats piled sentence after sentence on top of each other's words. They got increasingly carried away, completely disregarding Zhao Yao even though he was standing right in front of them.

This made him purse his lips.