The Sleepless and the Well-Rested

The crease between Xiao Yu's brows grew deeper the longer she stared at her phone screen.

"Why hasn't that silly cat responded?" she wondered, "His replies have always been instant."

Her unblinking gaze was disrupted when she heard a woman's voice coming from outside the bedroom. "Xiao Yu, are you up? It's time to go to a school!"

"I'll be right there!" she shouted back.

Xiao Yu turned back to her phone and shook her head.

"Forget it, he probably didn't see my message. I'll get my money another day. He's stupid enough to fall for whatever I say."

She then spotted Fish Ball from the corner of her eye. He was sprawled across the sheets, fast asleep. She unceremoniously kicked him off the bed.

"What's happened? Is it another earthquake?" Fish Ball asked, struggling to open his eyes.

"Don't you have your own bed? Why are you on mine?" Xiao Yu asked in a tone that could have frozen peas.