The Cleanup and the Battle

Ah Wei took a few deep breaths in an attempt to calm himself, "You might not know who Old Man Zhuang actually is and do not understand the kind of influence he has over Jianghai city."

Zhao Yao simply waved his hand and replied, "How does that bother me? Can you just leave? Stop interrupting my game."

"You!" A vein popped out on Ah Wei's forehead as he gritted his teeth. He knew that most apostles turned extremely cocky and were full of themselves after receiving their power, but he never expected Zhao Yao to behave in such an insolent manner.

Suddenly, blood began gushing through his blood vessels and his blood turned warmer and warmer. Somehow, this affected the surrounding as the temperature slowly crept upwards. However, he managed to restrain his power before he lost control.

He surveyed his surroundings and understood that this was not an ideal place to fight with the numerous civilians in the café.