Discussions and Arrangements

The fugitives' reign of fear was over.

However, while three of the four apostles were captured that day, tensions had never been higher at the authorities.

For starters, their efforts to cover up what truly happened were not as effective as they hoped. The official story was that a gas leak and a faulty hydrant caused the explosions, but rumors ran amok online anyway.

Although multiple parasitic hosts had been arrested, the true identity of King of Death remained a mystery. It was frustrating and frightening. Doubt and suspicion began to seep into the department, poisoning the trust colleagues had for each other.

The one consolation was that Sun Meng was now off the streets and safely locked away. Inspector Ho managed to convince her to reveal the whereabouts of her three ragdoll cats. It turned out that they had always been close by and within reach if Sun Meng needed help.