Level Up!

At 11.59pm, Zhao Yao was already sitting on his couch with his eyes glued to his BOOK, eagerly anticipating the experience points from his monthly mission. Currently, his BOOK read:

Book: Lv4 (2088/5000)

Matcha: Lv4 (1090/2000)

Elizabeth: Lv4 (330/2000)

Dust Ball: Lv5 (220/5000)

Ares: Lv4 (70/2000)

The corner of his mouth curled up when the thought flashed across Zhao Yao's head, "With the 2X Exp Card, I should be able to upgrade both Matcha and Elizabeth with the experience points from the monthly mission."

Even though the points could be used to upgrade Ares instead, but Zhao Yao was already satisfied with the strength of the current deflective field. On the other hand, Zhao Yao required a strong illusion or some sort of time manipulation ability in order to juggle his commitments between Jianghai University, his cat café and the refurbishment of his extradimensional belly.