The Fight and the Mission

Immediately, the group of four Japanese had reacted to Zhao Yao's unexpected appearance.


Following their seemingly polite greeting, their four bodies converged towards Zhao Yao's position in the blink of an eye. The tasers in their hands were like poisonous serpents surging towards Zhao Yao from all angles, sealing him of any possible escape.

However, Zhao Yao had no intentions of escaping.

"Get lost!" Zhao Yao raised his hand in the air as the words erupted in their ears. Four flat sword auras sprang out of Zhao Yao's palm and slammed themselves into the Japanese's bodies, sending them flying off.

Zhao Yao's temple was at an all-time worst because of these unwelcome visitors arriving at this hour. However, he managed to reign in his anger and chose to release flat sword aura instead of the normal sword aura which would have killed them.