Catmint Mogul

Uncle Egg raised his head and glanced at Zhao Yao before lowering his head once again. He seemed devoid of any spirit or happiness.

Zhao Yao started scrutinizing this old white cat from head to toe. His white fur was maintained in an immaculate state, free from a single speck of dust or dirt. It was evident that this cat was especially particular about its cleanliness. It must also be fairly healthy in order to maintain this image.

However, he seemed extremely lethargic with disappointment sagging through him. Evidently, there was something bothering him right now.

"That's great, it will be even better if he requires my help!" This thought sprang into Zhao Yao's head as he squatted right next to Uncle Egg. With his finger running through the fur on his head, Zhao Yao asked, "How are you? Are you happy? If there's anything bothering you, please feel free to confide in me. I'll be more than willing to lend you a helping hand."