The Sacrifice and the Movie

"Fatso, it's you!" Lion Head instantly pounced atop of Roly Poly with both paws caressing his neck. Lion Head even began licking Roly Poly all over his forehead.

Roly Poly was left dumbfounded by Lion Head's unexpected behavior. He was screaming in his head, "How is this possible? Am I really back inside the extradimensional belly? Why? Why am I back here?"

He struggled to break free from Lion Head's loving grip but it was to no avail.

"What the f*ck! Why is this bitch so strong?" Roly Poly struggled with all his might and sent his paws flying in all directions. However, Lion Head's front paws were as tough as iron casts. He could not move a single inch despite how fiercely he struggled.

Lion Head's face was flushed with embarrassment as she whispered into his ears, "Hmph, you horny fatso. Can't you just wait for a bit more? You don't have to get into it the moment we meet."

"Let go!" Roly Poly roared, "I'm just trying to escape!"