
With his eyes squinted into a hard line, Zhao Yao began scrutinizing the pair of husky and American shorthair standing opposite him. His right eyebrow shot up as he mumbled, "Why do I feel … did someone just scold me?"

Elizabeth who was squeezed within Zhao Yao's oversized jacket was growing impatient and slapped her paw against his chest, "Faster, Zhao Yao! It's about to start. You are gonna get us late!"

"Who told you to vomit your dinner? You are the one wasting my time." Zhao Yao retorted. His eyes swept back towards that pair but somehow he had a bad feeling about them, "Silly cat, were you the one who scolded me?"

The husky also slid Zhao Yao a condescending glare. Somehow, he had developed an inexplicable disgust towards him, all he wanted to do was give Zhao Yao a nasty bite on his leg. However, he had no idea where his abhorrence for Zhao Yao rooted from?