
Mission: Save King Hanada!

Objective: Save King Hanada from the restraint of his leash!

Reward: 10 experience points

Punishment: Nil

"Isn't this a dog?" Zhao Yao was left speechless by the cat king standing opposite him. No matter how he looked at it, the husky did not resemble a cat one bit.

"I didn't expect a dog to be crowned as a cat king."

However, that did not stop him from accepting the mission with a smile on his face. Similarly, he turned his head to Fish Ball and accepted the same mission from him.

With two pairs of eyes, brimming with hope, staring at him, Zhao Yao replied, "Do not worry, leave it to me."

In their eyes, they just saw the orange cat lift his paw in the air and the leash tied to them immediately loosened. They were finally free.