Mud and Soap

Not a word that left Zhao Yao's mouth assuaged the misery his sister felt. She left the park with a solemn frown firmly in place.

"S**t, I might have made things worse," he lamented, covering his face with his hands.

While he wallowed in self-pity and blame, he picked up the sound of excited paw-steps approaching.

Roly Poly, Matcha, and Dust Ball were charging towards their owner enthusiastically. Between them, they were holding onto a struggling Dragon Li cat with their mouths.

After a horrific week in the extradimensional belly, Zhao Yao had finally let him back into the world. The fat cat was happy to rid himself of the tumor that was Lion Head, whom was still patiently anticipating his return.

Zhao Yao had tasked the supercats to locate the cat king in their district whenever he trained Zhao Xue. He had to abandon the cat colony in Jianghai University after all, so he sought to take down the king in his own neighbourhood instead.