The Same Kind

A few minutes later, Airplane left the container as a horde of supercats, including Lion Head, Uncle Egg, and Ares, scurried over and surrounded him. With their foreheads furrowed together, they pelted Airplane with a storm of questions, "What happened? What did he talk to you about?"

"What did you guys talk about?"

"Is Zhao Yao intending to chase us away?"

"Gaia, it's all your fault! Who told you to shit outside the toilet! This must have infuriated King George and Zhao Yao which is why he's chasing us away!"

Airplane was holding in his laughter before a smile crept up his face, "Don't worry, we just talked about some useless stuff. All you have to do is to nod your head and agree with whatever he says. Just act along and say that the Village of Dreams is the best. In that case, our rice, catmint and gaming would resume as usual."