
The trio stared at Zhao Yao wide-eyed as their mouths fell open.

They had never expected an enemy to respond to their ambush in this manner. Not only did he manage to dodge the attack, he even changed into a set of female's clothing.

However, the most perplexing question was why Zhao Yao chose to change his clothes instead of escaping or retaliating.

The three stared at each other with a hint of fear crossing their eyes. With a quick shudder, they had already teleported and surrounded Zhao Yao and Zhao Xue in a triangle formation.

Just when Zhao Xue was about to take a step forward, the woman in the cute dress had already swung her arms which stopped centimeters from Zhao Xue's chest. She whispered, "Do not move. These three gays are really strong."

Zhao Yao had never wanted to reveal his identity to Zhao Xue. Now that he was donning this queer attire, he would resort to anything just to keep his identity a secret.